Google Data Studio allows you to bring together data from different sources and visually present it in a clear way to show the performance of your event. It's a real-time dashboard that we set up for your event with the necessary data from Google Analytics so you can align your marketing plan accordingly. You can select the period for which you want to view the data yourself. To select the period, click on the dates in the top right corner; the report is automatically set to the past 7 days.

A Google Data Studio report can only be shared with you if you have a G Suite/Google account.

Below is an explanation of the terms that appear in the dashboard:

Users: A user is a unique visitor to your website. The unique visitor has visited your website at least once in a certain period. For example, if a visitor (User A) visits your website on Wednesday and views 4 pages, and then returns on Friday and views 2 pages, User A is counted as one unique visitor in Analytics.

Sessions: The number of sessions is the number of visits by the user. If a visitor (User A) visits the site on Wednesday and Friday, User A has completed 2 sessions.

Pageviews: The number of pageviews indicates how many pages have been displayed. For example, if User A views 4 pages on Wednesday and 2 pages on Friday, the total number of pageviews is 6.

Source: The source is the origin of the user, or the channel that led the user to your site. For example, a source could be a search engine like Google, a social media channel like Facebook, or a domain (another website) that links to your site.

Medium: The medium is the category of the source. It can be Organic Search, Adwords, Referral, or Social Media.

Channels: Under 'Acquisition - All Traffic,' you will find the submenu 'Channels,' where you can see through which medium visitors come to your site.

Bounce Rate: The bounce rate indicates the percentage of visits that viewed only one page of the site and then exited. This may occur because the page visited is not engaging enough to read or does not redirect to other pages. However, a bounce is not necessarily negative. For example, if a visitor searches for 'Customer Service Ticketpoint' on Google, the page will be displayed in the search results. If the visitor clicks on this link, they will find the contact information they need and may then leave the website. There is a high chance that the visitor will make contact. However, this visit is still considered a bounce by Analytics.